Health & Aged Care.
Like all good health professionals, we take a holistic approach and believe that prevention is better than cure. We understand the commercial imperatives and structural complexities of the health sector in Australia, as well as the significant government and public scrutiny it faces.
We combine a state-based focus with a national overview and provide regulatory and risk management advice for health and disability service providers.
Aged Care & Retirement
​We offer end-to-end advice comprising of approvals, structuring and establishment, to financing and development, approvals accreditation and the management of care, operational issues and compliance for both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.
Key services
​Mergers, acquisitions and disposals
Aged care accreditation
Legal compliance
Review of insurance arrangements
Patient confidentiality and the use of medical records
Privacy and Intellectual property protection​​
​Medical negligence litigation
Consent to medical treatment
Decisions to withhold or withdraw treatment
Regulatory procedures for therapeutic goods and devices
Product liability
Intellectual property protection​​​​​