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Wills Hub.
1 - Prepare your Will
We’ll ask a few simple questions that will allow you to create your own Will. We’ve made it easy enough that you can use any computer, or even your phone.
2 - Protect yourself
By creating Enduring powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship, you can ensure both your loved ones’ and your peace of mind by authorising financial and medical decision making, for when you’re no longer able to.
3 - Plan for your end of life
Dealing with death is hard, and the administrative tasks that come after can be difficult and distressing. We can guide you through estate administration, while our secure digital vault provides a way to store and share your important information with your loved ones.
Legal Advice is available for all of our online Wills. Our legal team can make manual edits to your Will, to suit any of your needs.
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